The bedroom secrets by Sally Bercow

He is the ex-wife and photogenic of the Speaker of the House of Commons and now Sally Bercow peaked at Westminster after the storm to reveal their secrets to a bedroom - wearing only on paper.The bedroom secrets by Sally Bercow

The overtly political activist of 41 years has been inundated with messages of their on-line today in Twitter followers after the revelations in the Evening Standard. Ms. Bercow told how his apartment in the House of the Presidency had helped to spice up your love life with Mr. Bercow.

She said: "The view of the House of the presidency is incredibly sexy, especially at night with the moon and the glow of old gas lamps.

"When John and I first court, which we used to walk along the South Bank and look at the Houses of Parliament. I never realized how sexy I live with Big Ben chiming bells."

In an interview with ES magazine, she added that her husband has 47 years of the old office has made him a hit with women.

"Politicians as a breed is not very sexy, but I think that politics can be sexy, because power is an aphrodisiac," she said. "Since John was the President that the number of women who hit him has increased dramatically.

"I'm not jealous, because more men have struck at me too. I think it's funny that I was called Carla Bruni of British politics."

But Mrs. Bercow seems less come after photos and the interview became public.

She wrote that she had "died of shame" in its 1800 f


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